Acrylic Cloakroom Tags
$ 6.25 AUD
Looking for an elegant and stylish way to keep track of your guests' belongings at your next event? Look no further than our acrylic cloakroom tags! These sleek and chic coat hanger number tags come in a variety of colors to match your venue's decor, and they're sure to make a big impression on your guests. There are 9 great colours to choose from that come with either white or black engraving and their large size make them perfect for any event. You have the choice of either 1 or 2 sided engraving with text, a logo or both. Your guests will love these reusable cloak room tags that can also be used as live sale number tags! Make sure you order your jumbo cloak room tags today! We promise prompt packing and delivery from our Australian warehouse so your cloak room tickets will arrive in no time at all.